鼎廷娱乐公司艺人总监韩雪薇在公司里受到各方的压力,去酒吧借酒消愁,无意中听到驻唱歌手姜亦辰的歌声,被歌声以及散发着青春的执着和不羁个性深深吸引,韩雪薇力邀姜亦辰加盟公司,成为自己代理的艺人,姜亦辰担心进公司会束缚自己的兴趣非常犹豫,在雪薇坦诚的说服下,姜亦辰答应了韩雪薇,成为鼎廷一个明明出身高贵、相貌姣好、富有才华、真实自我的女孩非要被所谓的才华迷得晕头转向,甘愿变得很低很低,低到不在意被辜负,完全为别人而活。我真是听够了成功男人背后的女人的故事。以及最赞是什么鬼,女主母亲和弟弟对她不好,所以丈夫对她不好就是应该的或者说可以原谅的?女主高级疗养院的费用是自己出的钱ok?!这电影的弹幕也是看得最窝火的没有之一。This animated feature film incorporates music, theater and sculpture techniques while following one woman's journey through her marriages, both imagined and real. Her experiences transform her from a fiery young girl craving love to a domestic abuse victim and eventually lead to her discovery of gender fluidity, self-acceptance, and finding a better place in society. The singing Mythology Sirens and her own Biology are characters that influence her, showing how our relationship roles are shaped by both the stereotypes of our cultures and the neuroscience of our own bodies. Written by Signe Baumane